Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 24 (I think)

After reading my comment about "growing a set", a good friend shared a hilarious quote with me.  Let's call her BZ: 

“Why do people say "grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding”
― Betty White

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 19

We have survived several nights of fumes.  Let's all hope for no black lung disease, shall we? 

The first coat of stain is done and the final will be done after the cabinets are in, but I'm thinking of asking for postponement until spring when we can leave windows open.  I read that there should be an air exchange twice an hour to quickly dissipate the fumes, but that's not easy to do in 20 degree weather.  Not to mention the air outside isn't much better right now.  We had a bit of a misunderstanding with the flooring guy, but I think all is okay now.  This can not be the first time these guys dealt with a neurotic homeowner.  I say grow a set.  Anyway, the floors aren't finished, but are looking pretty good.  Not quite as rustic in real life as they seem in the photos. 

Schedule this week:  finish work on trim (maybe painting by BW) and cabinets on Friday.  Nick and I head to Los Angeles for a baseball camp on Friday night so I hope they are almost done before we leave.  Then countertop template on 12/19 and install on 12/26.  Moving right along.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Call 911 if you don't hear from us.

Unfortunately in order for this message to be heard someone actually has to read the blog. 

A sealer was applied to the floor today and we are living in some serious fumes.  We were told we'd have to be gone the night tomorrow because the stain smells so bad, but we should have left today.  We didn't make plans the animals so we've sent Nick away and have hunkered down.  If the pets go, we go.  There is a major difference in the floor today, more color.  I'll post pictures on Sunday.  I'm hoping that it won't be too rustic looking since that was not the look I was going for, but they are pretty.

BTW, BW has informed me that I've made several grammatical errors.  I'm usually not so bad, but these have been written in tiredness and I don't have the energy to fix them so suck it.

Day twelve minus three.

The railing was fit on Friday and Saturday.  They set it up, measured and then took it out to weld.  They'll then bring it back for final installation.  Interesting stuff, but I'm hoping the house doesn't smell like pennies in the end.  What we gain in openness we might lose in coziness. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day twelve minus five.

I've received  no feedback.  I'll at least continue posting updates on the kitchen. I don't give a rat's ass about the kitchen, now I just want to hear how fabulous my blog is.  It may or may not get better. 

So the attached photos are of the installed floor, pre sand and finish.  That will be happening this week Thursday and Friday.  Pretty sure it will be gorgeous...except for the outlet that apparently needs to be smack dab in the middle in order to be up to code.  Not loving that.  Do love that Emma dog.

Friday, December 2, 2011

In the beginning

I thought first I should post the before pictures.  I've talked with several people that I consider good friend that have never been in my house.  What does this say about me?  Actually, now that I think about it I've only been in some of their homes for Scentsy or Pampered Chef parties so they only wanted me for the money.  You know who you are.


I decided to start a kitchen progress blog, but decided I wouldn't call it a kitchen blog in case I like it and want to continue on (with non kitchen related items).  I wanted wagblog, but that was taken so went with wagbot by default.  I like to think of it as wagblog & fembot put together; one can dream. 

Anyway, initially I don't anticipate much other than kitchen updates so hopefully this will be a simple way for everyone to see the progress.  Especially given that many of my favorite people are not on Facebook and many people I don't care about are (if you are on Facebook and I told you about this blog then you are in the former category). 

Remodel photos to follow.
